Background and context

Development of a Synthetic Hockey Turf and Clubhouse Facility at Collier Reserve, Como

Background and Context

Wesley South Perth Hockey Club (WASPs), one of the state’s premier hockey clubs, currently operate from Richardson Park in South Perth. The club also plays on the synthetic turf at Curtin University (the grounds of the Perth Hockey Stadium). 

Wesley College currently operate their sporting curriculum from their main school site at the corner of Coode and Angelo Streets in South Perth, plus at Collins Oval and the adjacent Collier Reserve. Both latter reserves are located to the south of Thelma Street. 

The long-term trend in hockey has been for the sport to be played on synthetic turf and this has been reflected through several clubs and schools building their own facilities.

WASP’s have sought, for many years, indeed decades, to develop a synthetic turf to support the club’s development and growth. Due to land constraints at Richardson Park and advice received from the City of South Perth, a new turf cannot be accommodated at Richardson Park, thus forcing WASPs to seek a relocation to secure its future. In addition, Wesley College are seeking to develop a synthetic turf to support their hockey program and provide an additional training resource for other College sports. At present the College have limited access to the Perth Hockey Stadium facility at Curtin to assist them in delivering their hockey program.   

Previous studies undertaken by both the Club and the College to assess the turf options at various locations within the City of South Perth had not been fruitful for a variety of reasons until a series of discussions with officers from the City of South Perth identified Collier Reserve as a potential option.  This was further referenced in the City’s endorsed Community Recreation Facilities Plan (Refer Council Meeting on 23 July 2019)  which includes the following recommendation: 

That the City works with Wesley South Perth Hockey Club, Wesley College, Hockey WA and other stakeholders for the relocation of WASPs to Collier Reserve incorporating a synthetic hockey turf, grass hockey fields and clubrooms.

As a direct result of this support, both WASP’s and Wesley College have entered into a partnership to explore the option of a turf development at Collier Reserve. 

An initial pre-feasibility study was commenced in 2019 under the guidance of the City of South Perth. On completion, the pre-feasibility study was subsequently reported to the City of South Perth Council in 2020 and at the  Council Meeting of 24 November 2020 where the Council made the following resolution:

  1. Provides ‘in principle’ support for the Wesley South Perth Hockey Club to further investigate the creation of a new synthetic hockey turf and relocation of its Club from Richardson Reserve to Collier Reserve;
  2. Notes the Wesley South Perth Hockey Club’s intention to proceed to develop a full feasibility study (bankable feasibility study) regarding the proposed relocation;
  3. Supports the City considering a future financial contribution of up to 50% of the full feasibility study project cost within the City’s 2020/21 Budget (mid-year review);
  4. Notes the completed full feasibility study will be presented by the Wesley South Perth Hockey Club to the City at a future time;
  5. Notes the Collier Reserve Hockey Turf Needs and Pre-Feasibility Study provided by Wesley South Perth Hockey Club.

In keeping with the City of South Perth Council resolution, WASP’s and Wesley College are now undertaking a detailed feasibility study to confirm the viability or otherwise of developing a turf and clubhouse facility at Collier Reserve. It is on this basis that WASP’s and Wesley College sought the views of local residents and interested parties on the future development at Collier Reserve. To inform the process, the partners outlined a number of questions and answers to assist interested parties form a view on the proposal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Additional FAQs

The public comment period ran from 20 August to 19 September 2021.  If you have any further queries please direct them to .


Mark Kerrigan
Wesley South Perth Hockey Club Inc.  


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