Annual General Meeting


Wed 10 Nov 2021 19:00 — 22:00

Event information

This event has passed.

27 October 2021

Notice is hereby given that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Wesley South Perth Hockey Club (Inc.) will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 10 November 2021 in the Eastman Lounge, Perth Hockey Stadium.

On behalf of the Committee, we’d like to thank all the members for their continuing commitment and involvement with the club, especially to those that contributed to the running of the club to some degree this past year.

All positions are declared vacant at the AGM and members are free to nominate for any position.

As per club policy, nominations are called for the following positions:

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Womens Vice President
  • Mens Vice President
  • Junior Vice President
  • General Committee Member                     

If you would like to nominate for any position or role, or request further information, please feel free to contact wasphc.secretary@gmail.comNominations in writing should be received by close of business Wednesday 3 November.

Nominations will be publicised to club members Thursday 4 November.

If one nomination has been made for a position, it will be accepted. If no nominations have been made for a position, this may be made at the AGM. If more than one nomination has been made for a position then a vote will take place. Voting can occur in person, online via Microsoft Teams or by proxy.

A member who wishes their vote to be by proxy must complete and submit a proxy form to by 7pm Tuesday 9 November. Proxy forms are available on the club website ( Late proxy nominations will not be accepted.

To attend, you must first register (click Attend and follow the prompts).  This will give you access to the required information and documentation for the meeting (which will be uploaded at one week prior to the meeting).

Attendance may also be online by Microsoft Teams – a link will be provided once you have registered and requested. However, physical attendance is preferred.

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM – 7pm Wednesday 10 November in the Eastman Lounge at Perth Hockey Stadium. Light snacks and drinks will be available at the close of the meeting.


  1. WASPs members sign in
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of 2020 AGM
  4. President’s Report
  5. Financial Report & presentation of financial statements
  6. Turf update and resolution
  7. All positions declared vacant, and election of new WASPs Committee
  8. General Business
  9. End of Meeting  

Wendy Quint

Teams Invite Link




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